American Educated Chinese Foundation
Founded in 2018, American Educated Chinese Foundation (AEC) is a nonprofit organization and a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Our mission is to develop Chinese and American students into global leaders and innovators by providing mentorship, training, and opportunities to engage in service learning. Operating in China and the US, AEC provides an educational platform for student volunteers to lead and manage meaningful organizations and service projects. This encourages young people around the world to participate in community service and address global issues such as environmental sustainability. The students gain a deeper understanding of global trends in a cross-cultural context, making them better global citizens and more responsible leaders. Service leadership also cultivates creativity and innovation, which are key elements in solving the problems of the 21st century.
AEC Introduction
AEC Clubs
RUP-Renewable Urban Pioneers is a student-run organization dedicated to fighting deforestation and global warming. It supports projects from Rainforest Trust to protect the forest, publishes research articles and organizes webinars to raise awareness about environmental issues. 100% of the money we have fundraised goes to support rainforest and environmental protection to make the world a greener and better place!
Special Education
Special education is a branch of educational instruction specifically curated for children with special needs and learning disabilities. Common learning disabilities include ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and Dyslexia. In the United States, special education is highly valued and has been researched to a great extent. In contrast, special education remains relatively undiscussed in China. Our primary goal is to help motivate the Chinese people in prioritizing the establishment of a special education system and to increase its normalcy in China.
AEC Advisory Board
AEC believes that empowering young people will build a better world; therefore, it has created a ‘small hands guided by big hands’ student participation program that leverages AEC’s expertise to develop and inspire the next generation of leaders. AEC has a team of experts across diverse fields in China and the US who serve on the Advisory Board and provide students with strong guidance on how to utilize resources.
Dr. Liping Yan
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Institute
Connie Hsu
Business management specialist
Nanxian Chen
Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Yucai Education Group
Nan Luo
Senior Staff System Architect of lidar sensing for autonomous driving at Continental Group
Dr. Lijun He
Indiana University - Ph.D. in Philanthropic Studies
Dr. Yiwen Fang
Ph.D. in Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology ,UCLA
Dr. Yue Rong
Environmental Program Manager at the California Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Paulo Tan
Faculty Member in the Urban Teachers Program at Johns Hopkins University
Pauline Bian
Author of Make Their Own Path in Life